国际 学生 健康保险 Requirement

All F-1 和 J-1 visa holders with documents issued from 最靠谱的网赌软件 MUST purchase health insurance contracted by ODU or an approved waiver. United健康care 学生资源 (UHCSR) is the current provider of health insurance for 最靠谱的网赌软件. The plan is designed specifically for international students, J-1交流访问者, degree-seeking graduate students, 和 post-Doctoral researchers in order to provide adequate coverage at reasonable cost.

  • The plan complies with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements for student health plans 和 with Virginia m和ates. This plan is rated as Gold level coverage 和 designed to pay approximately 80% of the total cost of the policy's benefits.
  • 没有年度计划上限
  • 100%学生健康中心和预防保健在网络内供应商
  • $250 annual deductible per person in-network, $500 annual deductible per person out-of-network
  • Low out of picket maximum: $4,000 in-network out of pocket maximum; $7,000 out-of-network out of pocket maximum
  • 20% co-insurance in-network; 50 % co-insurance out-of-network
  • 免赔额, co-insurance 和 co-pays (including prescriptions) all apply to the out of pocket maximum
  • 网络内首选提供商是United 健康care Choice Plus
  • The mental health network provider is United Behavioral 健康
  • The Medical Evacuation 和 Repatriation service provider is UHC全球
  • 处方药福利要求使用网络内药房

For more information about the plan, including plan brochure, summary, 和 plan exclusions, see: www.uhcsr.com/odu.

F-1/J-1 学生s 和 J-1 Scholars
当您注册课程时,您将自动注册继续保险. As always, you need to ensure that your SEVIS U.S. address in LeoOnline is correct, as UHCSR will use this address to mail correspondence to you.

J-2s必须, 根据联邦法律, 有符合国务院规定的医疗保险吗, 和 documentation of coverage must be submitted to VISA. UHCSR is still available for this coverage, if desired. Because health care in the U.S. 非常昂贵, 强烈建议f -1在任何时候都为其F-2家属购买保险. You can purchase coverage for your dependent via your UHCSR account or by submitting a paper form in our 办公室.

学生s on OPT/Academic Training
学生s on OPT (F-1) 和 Academic Training (J-1) can continue medical coverage with UHCSR after graduation. 学生可以选择按学期或按月注册. If you wish to enroll, please contact us at intlstu@somnioresearch.com. 您将通过UHCSR通过电子邮件发送的支付链接支付保费.

Post-Doctoral 研究ers
Post-Doctoral positions hired by 最靠谱的网赌软件 or the ODU研究基金会 are eligible to enroll in this insurance plan.

利率 年度:
8-1-22 to
8-1-22 to
1-1-23 to
学生 $2683 $1118 $1,565
依赖 $2,981 $1242 $1,739

如果你5月毕业,或者暑假去美国以外的地方旅游, please know UHCSR will NOT provide a partial refund.

当您注册课程时,您的保险将添加到您的学费报表中. T在这里 are two ways to pay for your coverage: payment in full by the tuition deadline or multiple payments over the course of the semester with a payment plan.

你可以报名参加 付款计划 which will break down your tuition bill (including health insurance premiums) into four equal installments. The payment plan can be set up through LeoOnline.

在非常有限的情况下,学生可以免除UHCSR. 可能获得豁免的个案(有待检讨适当的文件):

  1. 学生's parent or spouse is employed by an American organization providing health insurance via a U.S.-based insurance provider; 和/or
  2. 由大使馆直接资助学费的使馆资助学生 & fees, living expenses 和 health insurance. 健康 insurance must be from a U.S.-based company 和 the coverage must be equal to or greater than the benefits required by ODU; 此外,必须向VISA提交当前赞助信的副本.

上述两项都需要向VISA提交文件. To be eligible for this waiver, 有关保险必须符合下列所有要求:

  • Have unlimited maximum benefit for covered medical expenses per accident or illness with no lifetime limit, 
  • Comply with the Commonwealth of Virginia m和ates as well as be equal to or greater than the Gold Plan of the Affordable Care Act, 
  • 在弗吉尼亚联邦登记并批准出售, 
  • 提供医疗后送至学生原籍国,金额为50,000美元; 
  • 提供遗体遣返回国,金额为25,000美元; 
  • Cover preventative care without a waiting period, 
  • Be based in the United States.

If you meet one of the two waiver eligibilities, please e-mail intlstu@somnioresearch.com to request the waiver form. 表单, along with all supporting documentation, 必须在发送到签证办公室的电子邮件中规定的截止日期之前提交 邮件列表.

研究生 assistants being paid $5,000 or more per semester who enroll in the UHCSR insurance plan are eligible for a health insurance subsidy. The subsidy for GAs earning $5,000 or more per semester will be 每年1100美元$500 for the fall semester 和 $600 春季学期. 这笔应税补贴将在学期中期直接支付给学生. Questions regarding the process for the GA subsidy 和 eligibility requirements may be e-mailed to gradhealth@somnioresearch.com.

符合条件的国际研究生助教将自动获得补贴. Please do not register for the subsidized plan.

  • 学期健康费用允许你使用校园的学生健康中心. The semester fee is not reimbursable by UHCSR.
  • UHCSR将报销学生健康中心的所有服务费.
  • 请务必在访问时出示您的保险身份证. 学生健康中心将代表您向UHCSR提交索赔.
  • Utilize the services available at 学生健康服务 to reduce your out-of-pocket costs (the amount you pay.)

United健康care 学生资源 has partnered with SureBridge to offer VOLUNTARY vision 和 dental insurance plans . You can purchase vision 和/or dental benefits 在这里.

ODU also has a Dental Hygiene Care Facility on campus. 牙科诊所只提供预防性护理(不填补现有的蛀牙), root canal or dental surgeries). Please view the full list of their services 和 fees 在这里. 除节假日外,该诊所从9月开放到6月, 学期优惠, 和 spring 和 summer vacations.

预约电话:757-683-4308,周一至周五上午8点.m. 到下午4:30.m.

  1. If it is a life-threatening emergency: Call ODU公共安全 (757-683-4000) or 911 for immediate assistance.
  2. 要在下班时间或周末联系“随叫随到的临床医生”,请致电公共安全(757).963.4000) 和 ask to speak to the on-call clinician. Public 安全 will page the on-call clinician, who will then call the student 和 advise them accordingly.
  3. 健康iestYou 为您提供全天候通过电话和/或视频访问董事会认证的医生. This service is especially helpful for minor illnesses, 比如过敏, 喉咙痛, 耳痛, 粉红色的眼睛, 等. 在您的保险期内,每一次与健康iestYou医生的通话都将获得100%的保险.

1. W在这里 can I receive my outst和ing vaccinations?

学生s can receive all state required vaccinations from the 学生健康服务 center. 全民健康保险将100%覆盖在学生保健服务处获得的服务.

2. How do I receive my health insurance ID card?

  • Step 1: Go to the United健康care 学生资源 website for 最靠谱的网赌软件: www.uhcsr.com/odu
  • 第二步:在导航菜单中选择“身份证”或登录“我的帐户”.
  • OR: Download the United 健康 app

如果你还没有设置你的MyAccount,你需要创建它. 按照屏幕上的提示—您需要您的ODU电子邮件地址和您的UIN

3. How can I benefit from the preventive care service?

《最靠谱的网赌软件》要求保险计划提供免费的预防性医疗. These services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan's network. 点击 在这里 查看所有成人、妇女和儿童的预防性保健服务.

4. What services are available at ODU’s 学生健康服务?

学生健康服务处为注册学生提供初级保健服务. The majority of services are provided by physicians, nurse practitioners, 和 a physician assistant.

  • 学生健康服务 offers:
    - primary care services for acute illness 和 assistance with monitoring of stable chronic illnesses;
    - care for injuries, but not emergency room services;
    - gynecological services including breast exams, 巴氏涂片, 避孕选择和性传播感染筛查.
  • 过敏注射可以在学生健康服务中心进行. 学生必须提供血清和过敏专科医生的详细说明. The allergist must administer the first injection.
  • 学生健康服务 does not have a full-service pharmacy, 但医疗服务提供者可以开出可以在当地药店配药的处方. Some medications are administered on site.
  • 学生 健康 can perform EKGs 和 give short-term intravenous therapy, when indicated.
  • 学生健康服务 can provide referrals to specialists in the area when indicated.
  • 所有必需的免疫接种都可以在学生健康服务中心获得.
  • 学生健康服务 has an on-site laboratory. 许多测试在预约期间在学生健康服务中心进行. Other tests are performed by our off-site reference laboratory. 将实验室工作送到参考实验室需要支付费用. 现场进行的实验室测试对学生是免费的.

5. When I graduate, when does my coverage end?

Your insurance will terminate at the end of the health insurance term for your current plan enrollment.

  • 对于秋季毕业的学生,保险覆盖将于12月31日结束.
  • 对于春季和夏季毕业的学生,保险覆盖将于7月31日结束.

如果你5月毕业,或者暑假去美国以外的地方旅游, please know UHCSR 不会 provide a partial refund.

Recent graduates can use 学生健康服务 up to one semester after the graduation semester. For example, if you graduate in May, you can render services from SHS in the summer semester.

学生s on Optional Practical Training can purchase insurance on a semester 和/or monthly basis. 请参阅上面的“OPT学生注册”部分了解更多信息.

6. Are physical exams included in UHCSR coverage?

Preventative care, including routine screening 和 annual physicals, are covered at 100%. For the full list of benefits 和 exclusions, please visit uhcsr.com/odu.

7. I'm going back to my country for winter break. 我有保险吗??

学生s are not covered in their home country if the home country has universal healthcare. 学生s are covered by United健康care 全球's services during their enrollment period in the U.S. 和 when traveling outside of their home country.

8. I am attending a conference in Germany. 我需要为我的签证面试购买额外的注册表吗?

UHCSR保险符合申根签证的健康保险要求. You can request an enrollment letter by contact the UHCSR customer service at 800-767-0700.

9. 如果我没有收到本学期的助学金,我该怎么办?


10. What should I do if I do not receive a reimbursement check within 30 days from UHCSR after visiting the 学生健康服务?

First, you should make sure that the health insurance card was provided to 学生健康服务. Also, make sure your SEVIS U.S. 地址是最新的. 直接联系UHCSR以获取报销支票的最新信息. You are welcome to contact our 办公室 for assistance at intlstu@somnioresearch.com.

11. 医生办公室说我的索赔因为没有保险而被拒绝了,但我知道我有保险. 发生了什么事?

United健康care 学生资源 is a big company. 有可能你的医生办公室把索赔单寄错了地址. Check with them to confirm your claims went to United健康care 学生资源 和 NOT United健康care. The correct address is on the back of your insurance ID Card. You are welcome to contact our 办公室 for assistance at intlstu@somnioresearch.com.






United 健康care 学生资源






*学生s with urgent health concerns may reach the on-call clinician after hours by calling ODU公共安全 at 757-683-4000. 他们的调度员会打电话给值班的临床医生,后者会给你回电话.
